Monday 1 November 2010

Siberian Breed Progression Under GCCF

Well at long last the documents have all been submitted to GCCF executive for the meeting on the 24th November 2010. A very hard task as with printer malfunctions, photocopying drama's and 21 copies of a 140 page document to produce it was a bit nerve racking. But we got it done and the package was sent off to GCCF on the 28th October 2010 and has been received.

Thanks to all the breeders & exhibitors who have supplied information as without you all this task could not have been achieved. If the paperwork is accepted the Siberian should move to intermediate status for June 2011. Then the next stage begins of collating more data to get the breed to Champion status, if anyone wants any information on the process please drop me any email and I will explain the stages step by step.

I must also say thank you to my mom and dad as without them I would never have got the documents bound and packaged we had a production line going to get it all sorted and in order.


  1. well done you...would never have got this far without your commitment!

  2. Well Done Wayne, that's great news and thanks for all the hard work and effort you have put into this! Jo & Andy

  3. Thank you both it has been a hard slog but it has been done and a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, till the next stage at least!!!!

    Take care Wayne

  4. Great news Wayne and considering the year you've had an excellent achievement.. Well done and thanks.

  5. Thank you it was a bit of a task and there were a few sleepless nights but once the crooks of the document was set it was easier to fit the incoming info into the right place. Thanks again Fingers and everything else crossed that it is accepted and we are given the much needed intermediate status to get the breed up a gear and onto the next climb to having Champion status in all three registeries.

